by Kindra McDonald
I have taken to filling the house
with flowers, so that every room
has some life. In the golden light
of sunrise, I will walk east to west
through my shoebox house and watch
as petals turn to watercolors casting prisms
shifting red to yellow
orange to salmon
on the old grain of these floors
so for one moment of each day
I can step a bare toe into that light
and bathe in joy.

Kindra McDonald is the author of the collections Fossils and In the Meat Years. Her work has appeared in various literary journals. She received her MFA from Queens University of Charlotte. Kindra is an Adjunct Professor of Writing and teaches poetry at The Muse Writers Center. She lives in the city of mermaids with her husband and cats, where she hikes, bakes, and changes hobbies monthly.
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You had me at “flowers”!