The Bell Witch—Reflex Fiction, September 2018.
If You Are a Ghost—Reflex Fiction, August 2018.
Wild Apples—Far Off Places, June 2018.
Only Before and After, Interview with Philip Dean Walker—Chicago Literati, May 2018.
Best Take Your Bike—Reflex Fiction, April 2018.
Horse Mother—Writing by Writers, February 2018.
Annie—A Wild Word Anthology, February 2018.
Nowhere—Tittynope Zine, January 2018.
Go Down to the River, Interview with Giano Cromley—Chicago Literati, November 2017.
In This Stillness, Book Review of What We Build Upon the Ruins and Other Stories by Giano Cromley—Chicago Literati, November 2017.
Heavy Levity, Book Review of Planet Grim by Alex Behr—Chicago Literati, October 2017.
Life in Pink—Reflex Fiction, July 2017.
Lies & Mash—Sierra Nevada Review, May 2017.
The Lactation of St. Bernard in Art and Literature: ‘Show Thyself a Mother’—Palaver, May 2017.
Abecedarian Baby Cry—Tiferet, May 2017.
Equity & Imbalance, Book Review of Julieta by Alice Munro—Chicago Literati, April 2017.
Cracked—Legs of Tumbleweeds, Wings of Lace: An Anthology of Literature by Nevada Women, March 2017.
Pure Pleasure, Book Review of The Mistletoe Murder and Other Stories by P.D. James—Chicago Literati, February 2017.
Losing Camelot, Film Review of Jackie, Directed by Pablo Larraín—Chicago Literati, February 2017.
Wink—Ghost Parachute, December 2016.
Tricks of the Trade, Book Review of Illusions of Magic by J.B. Rivard—Chicago Literati, December 2016.
What I Get—The Vignette Review, December 2016.
Danny & Fred—The Normal School Online, November 2016.
Awake—Chicago Literati, October 2016.
Wild Turkeys—From the Depths, October 2016.
Water & Blood—Chicago Literati, September 2016.
Wild Turkeys—The Vignette Review, March 2016.
Garnish—Blue Monday Review, February 2016.
Gass Peak—The Vignette Review, December 2015.
Gass Peak—Neon Dreams, May 2015.
Lament for Flat Daddy—Northwest Boulevard, May 2011.